Project Description

The Root Policy team is assisted with a transformative Housing Action Plan for the City of Tacoma as part of the implementation of the City’s Affordable Housing Action Plan and “One Tacoma” Comprehensive Plan. This plan is aimed at tackling the underlying zoning and land use barriers to the development of affordable housing in Tacoma and the economic feasibility of affordable housing interventions. As communities across the U.S. revisit their zoning ordinances to reconsider the concept of single family only zoning districts, Tacoma looks to promote the development of missing middle housing and craft an inclusive zoning ordinance. This study also included a feasibility model to evaluate the current inclusionary zoning regulations, the state’s multifamily tax exemption programs, and density bonuses for affordable housing.

Years: 2021

Fun Fact

In Tacoma, land zoned exclusively for single family development constitutes approximately 75 percent of all land where residential development is allowed.